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Don’t feed the bears.

Why the extreme right's infatuation with Putin shouldn't be dismissed as yet another turn in the Cult of Trump.

Matt Acuña Buxton
Matt Acuña Buxton
6 min read
Don’t feed the bears.

Good afternoon, Alaska.

In this edition: I don’t know about you, but I’m having a really hard time focusing on just about anything other than the constant stream of news and uncertainty coming out of Ukraine right now. In today’s edition, I want to zero in on the extreme right’s infatuation with Putin, why it shouldn’t be dismissed as yet another development for the Cult of Trump and what it means for politics at home.

Don’t feed the bears

“Someone couldn’t agree and decided to flex their muscles. In the end, it’s normal people that don’t want war. But everyone suffers. We want to live in peace, go to work, build our families, develop our country,” said a young woman who was among the many taking refuge in the subway systems of Kharkiv as Russia began its invasion of Ukraine today. “We just want a peaceful sky over our heads instead of hiding as rats in holes, having no idea of what to expect.”

Suddenly, everything from alcohol rewrites to the state’s legislative maps has felt distant, petty and muted compared to the rising noise of violent conflict in Europe. There’s an acute sense of helplessness as the egos of a few will undoubtedly result in immeasurable pain and suffering of the many. It’s in times like this that leaders show their true colors, calling for resolve and unity in checking the aggression of a strong-arm dictator like Putin. Even U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson rose to the challenge.

Unfortunately, you can’t say the same for our country’s political system where there’s never an opportunity too low for some to take. GOP pundits who have been dismissive of Biden’s attention to the rising threat are now blaming Biden for allowing the invasion to happen in completely predictable and expected fashion. But there are others taking their cues from Trump who are seemingly condoning the invasion, seemingly condoning the antidemocratic tactics of a strong-arm dictator. And it’s that second group that we need to focus on.

Among the flurry of social media posts this morning that showed Russian aircraft filling the skies, military crowding the streets, Ukrainians taking refuge and Russian civilians protesting the actions, were several posts relaying what Anchorage Assemblymember Jamie Allard had to say on Facebook:

“Baltic countries will be next. Ukraine has always been a part of Russia, they are not a part of NATO and is the gateway to Europe. Poland will put up a fight, but the tanks will come and eventually Poland will lose and the Baltic countries once again will be taken over by Russia. Mark my words NATO is about to fall apart. President Trump saw this coming.” - Jamie Allard.

While Allard is apparently alone among Alaska politicians to seemingly condone or, at the very least, parrot the justifications for Putin’s actions, she is far from the only member of the Republican Party to do so. And understanding why these so-called patriots who’ve draped themselves in constitutionality and self-styled themselves as the Defenders of Democracy would endorse such openly antidemocratic tactics is critical to understand our own path ahead and the political forces at work in our own country. It may be easy, even inviting, to dismiss it all as part of the Cult of Trump, a coddling of the ego of the Republican Party’s flagbearer, or as a product of the blackmail that Putin and his cronies must surely hold over key GOP figures. After all, how else can all this seemingly bizarre, incoherent embrace of Putin make sense?

As Salon writer Amanda Marcotte wrote in a commentary piece today, it’s because it’s not about Trump or his ego. It’s because Putin and his authoritarianism has shown the model for instituting the brutal bigotry that has come to define the far-right’s policy platform over the will of the voters:

“It’s tempting to write this off, as so many in the mainstream media like to do, as evidence that the Republican party is ‘afraid’ of Trump as if they were setting aside good intentions out of fear of crossing the orange mob boss who runs their party. The darker truth, however, is that this is part of a larger turn in the GOP towards anti-democratic, even fascist politics. … As Roy Edroso, a writer focused on chronicling the right, noted on Twitter Wednesday, a focal point for the softly pro-Putin voices in the GOP is that ‘Russia is right because it persecutes gay and trans people, and America is wrong because it doesn’t.’

“It is a particularly salient example of why Republicans are growing increasingly anti-democratic, because their vicious bigotries on this front simply cannot withstand the rigors of the ballot box. We see this in Texas, where Republican Gov. Greg Abbott issued a vile executive order instructing CPS to strip parental rights off anyone who supports their trans child’s gender identity. The bill was proposed in the Texas legislature, but it’s so gruesome that it couldn’t pass, despite firm Republican control of the state. So, Abbott is simply going around the democratic system in a bid to destroy families in the name of his rigid gender ideology.

“Like Putin, Republicans know that their views cannot win in a free, fair democratic debate. The tension between claiming to be for democracy in Ukraine while opposing democracy in the U.S. is causing way too much cognitive dissonance on the right. It’s why Trump is going with a simpler message of blatantly rooting for Putin.”

This commentary is particularly critical as this country grapples with the militant fantasies of the groups like the Oath Keepers—whose conspiracy theories and fan-fiction approach to the constitution lay the groundwork for violence—to the believers of the Big Lie—whose conspiracy theories and fan-fiction approach to the constitution lay the groundwork for violence and bad-faith legislation.

True believers in democracy look at a lost election and learn from it. They recalibrate their message, they rework their campaign strategy, they build new coalitions and they look for new, better candidates. The right, instead, has doubled down on the sinister lie that the election was stolen and therefore there’s nothing to change about their message, only changes to the rules or how our constitution is shaped that will ensure they still win. This energy has fueled some of the country’s darkest impulses.

As the Legislature found in its hearings on the Oath Keepers, so much of this world view is “Freedom for me, not for you” with the “you” being fellow Americans they disagree with.

These sentiments are not confined to the international or even national stages, but to the state and local stages. They are contained in the extreme right’s violent scare tactics that were on display in the Anchorage Assembly chambers, in their continued conspiracy over election security with solutions that all greatly undermine the fairness and openness of our elections, and in the continual quest to otherize the most vulnerable among us. It’s seen in the House GOP’s covering for extreme-right legislators like Rep. David Eastman, where they are more concerned about strawmen like Cancel Culture Wolves than in confronting the wolf at their own table.

To them, the enemy isn’t Putin and the antidemocratic attitude that he embodies but their fellow Americans. They rave about the “Cold Civil War” and how it’s their fellow Americans—liberals, minorities and trans children—who are the enemy.

It’s easy, almost understandable to want to dismiss the underlying threat posed by these forces. Easier to write it off as the product of a bunch of nutjobs than the greater political system’s slide into authoritarianism. But it’s something we must not ignore and must not give any ground to in the weeks, months and years ahead.

As I’ve said before, you can get friendly tax policies without supporting bigots.

And that’s what’s so frustrating about all of this. Our country, our state and our communities have real, serious and important work to be done. There are many good people at every level who are working toward good, fair and equitable opportunities because they know we are stronger together and stronger because of our differences. But instead, we find ourselves not just wasting time but losing the very foundations of our democracy at the hand of our own domestic culture wars.

In the end, everyone suffers.


Matt Acuña Buxton

Matt is a longtime journalist and longtime nerd for Alaska politics and policy. Alaska became his home in 2011, and he's covered the Legislature and more in newspapers, live threads and blogs.


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