Oh, the things left to do
The House finally gives the operating budget another shot, confirmations on the calendar and a last-minute shot at updating the PFD formula.

Good morning, Alaska! It’s Day 112 of the session and there’s just 10 days left before the end of the 121-day legislative session. Things are kinda starting to come together but there’s still a long way and it’s looking more and more likely that some combination of extra hours or a special session will be needed.
In this edition: A deeper look at the new PFD bill, a look at the confirmations, the operating budget, a reading list and the view from Tanana.
The PFD formula (and a correction of sorts)
In a newsletter last week, I highlighted Rep. Kelly Merrick’s House Bill 202 that seeks to update the PFD formula. I wrote that it would leave the actual amount up to future legislators to determine, which is not exactly accurate. The bill would remove the dividend with the suggestion that legislators put a chunk of royalties from resource development to the dividend. Here’s the write-up on the bill from Saturday in the Sun:
One of the biggest unknowns for the budget at this point is the size of the dividend. There’s new battle lines that are forming that may shift direction on it this year, but it doesn’t seem like significant progress will be made without a change to the formula.
So far, the prevailing course of action has been to ignore the formula and appropriate whatever is politically feasible (about $1,000 in recent years) despite the “shall” language in the bill. The Alaska Supreme Court has agreed with the approach, finding that basically all spending laws are subject to appropriation under the constitution’s prohibition on dedicating funds (a finding that continues to have impacts on how things are run, see also: tax credits and school bond debt reimbursement). After an initial run at changing the formula when Gov. Bill Walker and company tripped over themselves to offer real, actual policy budget solutions to a group of legislators who still had savings to burn through (ah, those were the days), no one’s really had any interest in changing the formula. That’s starting to change, though, as some pro-PFD Republicans signal that, actually, they would back down from the dividend fight if only we change the formula. It’s about following the law, they argue… and also maybe the growing realization of just how dire things will get if Alaska really starts to overspend the Alaska Permanent Fund.
So that’s all to say, it’s going to be very interesting to see what happens with Merrick’s House Bill 202. The legislation would remove the traditional formula and designate 30% of royalties the state receives from oil and other sources to dividends (if we’re getting technical here, though, you can’t dedicate anything thanks to that Alaska Supreme Court decision). It’s an idea that got some attention several years ago with part of the thinking at the time being that it’d have that bonus effect of linking the health of the dividend, and therefore public interest, to the health of part the economy. One might point out that it’d be the resource extraction part of the economy, but the idea of connecting dividends/taxes to the Alaska economy has some merit (after all, a growing population is generally bad for the state’s budget under the current largely tax-free set up). It also is an attempt at satisfying the “The PFD is compensation for OUR resource” crowd by directly tying resource development to PFDs.
It’s looking like the House is going to give the bill a real shot in the waning days of session with a grand total of four hearings scheduled next week across the House Ways and Means and Finance committees.
With the days dwindling, the Legislature is set to hear the confirmation process on Tuesday in a joint session. As usual, expect to see fights over confirmations to the Board of Fish and the Board of Game in ways that will forever confuse me. There’s also the confirmation of Department of Revenue Lucinda Mahoney and Department of Public Safety Commissioner Jim Cockrell (though I’m not expecting Cockrell’s confirmation to be particularly controversial). The big one will be the appointment of Kristi Babcock to the Alaska Judicial Council. Rep. Matt Claman penned an op-ed against her, writing that it’d concentrate power in Southcentral while ignoring representation from rural Alaska.
Per the Alaska Landmine, Babcock has apparently been attempting to lobby the Legislature for approval… against the Legislature’s rules to limit access to the building:
On Friday afternoon, Babcock was spotted in the Capitol trying to set meetings with legislators to talk about her upcoming confirmation vote to the Alaska Judicial Council. Babcock had permission to be on the third floor (governor’s floor) but not the rest of the building. The Capitol is still closed to members of the public. Several confused staff and legislators took note of Babcock wandering the halls. So loose. Babcock then went to the wrong office. Her last stop was at Representative Sara Hannan’s (D – Juneau) office. Hannan chairs Legislative Council, and probably is not a big fan of Babcock. Hannan then booted Babcock from the Capitol!
An interesting wrinkle on the whole process is the Alaska Supreme Court’s decision in the lawsuit over Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s appointments. While that lawsuit was largely about the disaster declaration bill’s extension of a state law that says all confirmations not acted upon in joint session are rejected, the lawsuit ultimately found that that underlying state law itself was unconstitutional. What that means is if the Legislature fails to take up a particular appointment or a chamber simply refuses to meet in joint session, then the appointments get to stay on the job. In effect, this means the Legislature’s duty to confirm is really now a duty to reject. In reality, it makes for some potential shenanigans with, say, a governor-friendly presiding officer who refuses to meet at all, thereby giving the governor a free pass on their appointments. Just something to keep in mind.
On the agenda
Find the full agenda here.
Today, the House already underway with another shot at passing the operating budget after the process went careening off the rails when they attempted to cut the amendment process short.
On the reading list
- Outrage over an Alaska earmark helped end the practice of congressional earmarks, but it’s slowly coming back under the current Congress. U.S. Rep. Don Young, who was involved in that whole “Bridge to Nowhere” thing, has plenty on his wish list. From Alaska Public Media: Rep. Young requests a few earmarks – 15 years after his ‘Bridge to Nowhere’ made earmarking taboo
- With stagnating vaccination rates, how can public health officials help spur folks to get the shots? Well, Erie County found that free beer sure helps. From The Buffalo News: Free beer offer results in more vaccinations than all Erie County first-dose clinics last week
The view from Tanana
“Pretty uneventful and boring,” is exactly what you want with river ice.
The ice has moved. We’ve gotten some Tanana river ice, but the Yukon hasn’t come down yet! Good to see the water again!!
— Cynthia Erickson (@cyntoya_ak) 3:28 AM ∙ May 9, 2021
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